Digital Design

Project : Super Goop! Campaign

Services provided: Creative Concept - email design, 10% off popup , social media GIF & moodboard

Digital Design

Project : WW Campaign

Services Provided: Creative Concept - email design, 10% off offer design, social media GIF & moodboard

Digital Design

Project : Klaviyo email

Services Provided: Klaviyo email designs

Digital Design

Project : Bombas Social Media Campaign

Services provided: social media posts - illustration

Brand Design

Client: Bluebird Studio

Services provided: Creative Concept - Graphic Design - Illustration

Business card front


I designed this logo to represent Bluebird Studio a whimsical yet sophisticated photography company that specializes in pet and kids portraiture. This company is geared for a Brooklyn aesthetic and lifestyle.

I drew inspiration for the logo from my collection of vintage embroidery patterns passed down from my mother. I hand-drew the embroidery x pattern to create the logo. The navy dots provide contrast to the light blue embroidery logo. The back is a photo of the owner’s cat Lars, he’s the mascot for the company.

Graphic Design

Services provided: Creative Concept - Copywriting - Graphic Design - Illustration

Pandemic Poster

I designed this poster to express my feelings regarding the pandemic. I used the font Heimat Stencil to convey the DIY aspect of building your own treehouse.

I designed this poster to express my feelings regarding the pandemic. I used the font Heimat Stencil to convey the DIY aspect of building your own treehouse.

2023 Calendar

I designed this calendar and simplified the names of each month to the first 3 letters so they are recognizable yet unexpected. I chose these colors because I wanted the calendar to feel happy and hopeful for 2023.

Brand Design

Client: Brooklyn Craft Farm

Services provided: Brand Voice - Graphic Design - Fabric Illustration

BCF Postcard


I was a co-founder of BCF with Julie Fischoff, we illustrated the website banner using fabric and felt. I designed the brand identity, including the icon of Henrietta the Helpful Hen! I took inspiration from my vintage collection of children’s books and coloring books. We designed cool, whimsical crafts and hosted crafting parties for kids and adults.

BCF Business card


Photo Album

Graphic Design - Photography

This project is about my childhood home.

Ode to Georgia & Charles - Postcard

I love creating digital composites by combining meaningful vintage objects and surfaces. I photograph these objects and have a library of meaningful ephemera, toys, art, fabric and wallpaper from which to choose to create a story.


The front of the postcard is of a matchbox TV my mother made for my barbie house. On the front of the TV is a dark scene of a spell being cast, on the back of the TV is a light scene of a cartoon. I included a valentine I made for my mom when I was a small child. The wedding cake topper from their wedding cake binds the two sides together.


The back of the postcard is a drawing of a dog that my dad drew with no formal art training. This dog looks exactly my beloved dog Lizzie that I got after this drawing was created. The words are from a typewritten note from my mom and dad. The words are: No matter where life takes you on your wind of flight yet hear forever in the wind; “We love you. We love you! We love you! Mom-- and--Dad.


Social Media Designer + Video Editor

